' Huge and hairy and mute. . .he may be so large that his legs alone have the sizes of tress. His temper when aroused is terrible and his first impulse that of tearing trespasses to pieces. When moved to revenge, he nay make lakes disappear and towns sink to the ground. He devours human beings, preferring unbaptised children, and - according to a belief held in Italian Tyrol and in the Grisons in Switzerland- makes a practice of exchanging his own worthless progeny for human offspring'
Richard Bernheimer, Wild Men in the Middle Ages.

15th century manuscript illustration of Nebuchanezzar, the Babylonian king from the Old Testament Book of Daniel,
'During that time he lived away from others, eating grass for food and letting his hair and nails grow wild. In the the Middle Ages some mad persons were allowed to go free, and they usually drifted to the woods in order to live unmolested.'
Daniel Farson, Vampires, Zombies & Monster Men

Three students and a card board reconstruction of the huge figure that pursued them from their campsite, loping along after their pickup truck in Angles National Forest, Southern Californa, 1973.

The Lament of the Wild Man about the Unfaithful World
Now, as lightening pitchforked in dark pastures of sky
above the remote Bluff Creek wilderness,
dwindling sanctum of strange man-ape beings,
I felt a kinship with those lost hearts beating hugley against the fall of time.
And as night gathered in the long canyons
I took the headlamp which would light me down
and signaled out across the miles; so, linked
at least in ceremony, Bigfoot and I moved
in separate sorrows along our evenings trails.
As published in the Mountain Gazette, July 1975.
A 17th century engraving of a Wildman discovered in Java.
You might be interested in this about a wildman called Bosci made by my partner http://thelearningplanet.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/scary-if-so-is-that-ok/
ReplyDeleteHe'd have loved to attend your wildman life drawing workshop but is going to be drawing with children at the Gunter von Hagen exhibition all day. Will there be a chance for you to run it again, somewhere else?