Saturday 19 May 2012

What is it ? Wildman Life Drawing Class: Progress Report.


The First Sasquatch ?

This image of a smiling, seeming Sasquatch is from the cover of 'Bickerstaff's Boston Almanac' for 1785. The image is actually a crude copy of the famous illustration of a chimpanzee from Edward Tyson's pioneering work of primate morphology 'Anatomy of the Pygmie' (1699). It is likely the first printed image of a primate published in North America, and may have contributed to the popular conception about what a Sasquatch looks like. 

Note about the cover image -  from Brian Regal's book,  Searching for Sasquatch; Crackpots, Eggheads and Cryptozoology

Here is a rather damaged copy of the said chimpanzee illustration.
Even this anatomically correct chimp is rather anthropomorphic in its gate and posture.

'Anatomy of the Pygmie' (1699)

Some more Sasquatch like creatures.

These specimens where found amongst the lead figure exhibits of Edinburgh's Museum of Childhood - note the country Parson in the left hand-side of the picture for a sense of scale.

I have been asked to run a Wildman Life Drawing Class for the Hayward Gallery's 'Wide Open School ' .
It will run on Thursday the 28th June in two sessions - one in the morning the second in the afternoon.
It costs £10 or £5 concessions.

click here  for more details and to book tickets.

Friday 18 May 2012

Haunted House !

Place five pence in the slot and watch out for ghosts!

Automata from Edinburgh's Museum of Childhood.

Dolls made out of Shoes & Animal Bones.

I visited Edinburgh's  brilliant Museum of Childhood last week.
I found two unusual exhibits in the Doll and Automata room,

a Shoe Doll  from East London , made in 1905

and this strange Bone Doll.

Edinburgh Museum of Childhood.