Saturday 19 August 2017

More Exhibitions at MCBA - Scott Helmes and William ‘Picasso’ Gaglione, MCBA’s H/G Archive.

In the Minnesota Centre For Book Arts library a number of Scott Helmes and William ‘Picasso’ Gaglione Archive stamps, and stamp pads were exhibited. 

Take a look at the antique stamp pad tins - fantastic graphics. 

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Stamp of Disapproval June 9, 2017- August 13, 2017 Lerner Bindery Gallery

During my time as rubber stamp in residence at MCBA, several exhibitions took place. 

Curated from MCBA’s S. Helmes and W. Gaglione Rubber Stamp Archive, this exhibition features the art of resistance through physical stamps, correspondence art and fake postage stamps. Work demonstrates how the authority of a seal or stamp can be usurped for social and political commentary.

I recorded the exhibition for this blog. Take a look!