Monday 25 April 2016

The Craft of Medicine: Illumination through Conversation - Welcome Collection - Saturday 14 May 2016

I've been invited to take part in what will no doubt prove to be an insightful day of conversations between artists/crafters/makers and clinicians.

The Craft of Medicine: Illumination through Conversation
Saturday 14 May 2016

What can a surgeon and a tailor learn from one another? More than you might imagine…

The concept of ‘bespoke’ - a collaborative process founded on a relationship of trust and mediated through the highest levels of craftsmanship - provides a rich metaphor for clinical care. But framing medicine as a craft can bring other unexpected insights, challenging assumptions and open new ways of thinking.

Join clinicians and craftsmen in an unconventional day of informal conversation that invites you to explore hidden similarities between apparently unconnected areas of expertise. And try some handiwork of your own.


Roger Kneebone, surgeon, GP and academic
A group of diverse and expert clinicians, including surgeons and GPs

Craftsmen from The Art Workers' Guild:

Vicki Ambery-Smith (jeweller),
Joshua Byrne, ( bespoke tailor from Saville Row )
Andrew Davidson (wood engraver and illustrator)
Stephen Fowler, (rubber stamp carver)
Rachael Matthews (textile artist)
Fleur Oakes (lacemaker)
Jane Smith (hatmaker)

This event is FREE.